What You Can Do to Stand with Ukraine

The TechSoup Global Network
2 min readFeb 28, 2022


Ukrainian Flag

On February 24, the Russian Federation violated international law by invading the independent state of Ukraine. The TechSoup Global Network stands in solidarity with the citizens and civil society of Ukraine.

In response, TechSoup has developed a resource page featuring technology resources and educational offerings, offered free of charge, to support NGOs in Ukraine and throughout the region. Both new and long-standing TechSoup partners have created unique offerings for refugees, NGO staff, and volunteers affected by the current war.

To understand the situation and provide support, we encourage you to be a part of the solution in the following ways:

We will keep this post updated as new information and resources are available.



The TechSoup Global Network
The TechSoup Global Network

Written by The TechSoup Global Network

60+ organizations with kindred missions working together to get critical tech know-how and resources to changemakers around the world. TSGN.org

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